Black Sea Hydrogen Sulphide Workshop to take place in Istanbul on 14-15 December 2011

Organized by the International Centre for Hydrogen Energy Technologies (UNIDO-ICHET), the First Black Sea Hydrogen Sulphide Workshop will take place on 14-15 December in Istanbul Green Park Hotel.
This symposium will address a range of issues related to the technical and economical feasibility of industrial extraction of gaseous hydrogen from the hydrogen sulphides dissolved in the Black Sea.

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Hydrogen as a fuel is at the core of key technologies that will facilitate the transition to a low carbon economy in the future. Because its most common production process through electrolysis has an energy cost comparable to its yield, it is nowadays most often envisioned as a medium for the temporary storage and transportation of the energy produced from renewable sources such as wind and sun.
With shores in Turkey, Georgia, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine and Russia, the Black Sea has the unique characteristic of containing significant concentrations of hydrogen sulphide in its deep layers. A cost-effective process addressing the harvesting of hydrogen gas from the hydrogen sulphide dissolved in the Black Sea would be a definite asset for the region's countries in their endeavour for energy self-sufficiency.
The First Black Sea Hydrogen Sulphide Workshop will gather a panel of scientists and industrials in an attempt to synthesize the state of the art of the knowledge on the Black Sea hydrogen sulphide resources as well as that of the diverse technologies required for its extraction and transformation into hydrogen.
Announcement from ICHET
Our Association will be present on this event and will make the presentation about the situatuion in Ukraine with the projects of Black sea's hydrogen sulfide exploration.
Our Association supports the idea of carbon-free hydrogen production from hydrogen sulfide.


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