20-21 October 2015, Odessa, Ukraine
Favorable geographical position of Ukraine at the crossway of main transit routes between Europe and Asia, availability of ice-free Black Sea ports, branched out network of railways and roads precondition an increase of volumes of cargo transit on the north-south and west-east directions as well as further integration of Ukraine into transportation routes within the range «Europe-Asia» that is set as a major objective upon signing the Association Agreement with the EU. Compliance with the roadmap articulated for Ukraine will assist to attract foreign investments in the industry. Implementation of European legislation with unified technical procedures, information systems, customs operations will accelerate and simplify transit traffic procedure across our territory.
These issues will be raised at the 18th international conference «Transport Service Market in Ukraine in the context of integration into the European and global transport systems» that will be held 20-21 October 2015 in Odessa within the framework of the International Black Sea Transport Forum.

Conference sections:
• Ukraine and the international transportation industry
• Transport and Logistics market development. Supply Chain Management
• Strategy for sea ports infrastructure development. Creation of conditions for attraction of foreign investments
• Sea and intermodal container transportation. How to optimize cargo delivery process
• Normative regulations of customs clearance of cargoes
The representatives of Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine, Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Latvia and the Republic of Lithuania, Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure of the Republic of Moldova, Ministry of Economy and sustainable development of Georgia, Ministry of Infrastructure and Development of Poland, Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan, State Administration of Ukrainian Railway, European Business Association, Black and Azov Seas Ports Association, Container Lines Association of Ukraine are expected to participate in the conference.
Conference delegates will have an opportunity to learn from case studies on chain supply management of such companies as British American Tobacco p.l.c. (Rolf Neiz — head of logistic operations department), Confectionery Holding SL (Andres Cortijos Botella — deputy director-general & director of chain supply department).
A round table on development of container shipping will be held as a part of the conference (moderator — Container Lines Association of Ukraine, CLAU). The invited speakers for the round table discussion are Stefan Clenciu, president of CLAU, and representatives of the HPC-Ukraine. Furthermore, Don Miller, marketing and sales director, Globe Tracker International ApS, will share his experience in container shipping. Simon Bosschiter, Executive director of Holland Container Innovations, Netherland, will present a new model of containers that will allow to minimize the imbalance cost of container shipping. In addition, a representative of China Shipping (Turkey) AS Turgut Aidinjan will examine perspectives of Mediterranean and Black Sea container market growth using the Silk Road. Paolo Paganelli, BlueGreenStrategy SrL, will present iCargo platforms for intermodal freight transportation: concepts and applications. Moreover, the conference delegates will be suggested to discuss container projects Viking and Zubr (invited speakers: Latvian Railway, Lithuanian Railway, Plaske JSC, USCTS "Liski", Belarus Railway, PKP LHS, PKP Cargo).
Section on normative regulations of customs clearance of cargoes will gather representatives of State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, State Border Service of Ukraine, Odessa Branch Office of the State Fiscal Service, Customs Service Academy, International Network of Custom Universities.
The round table “Transportation of Project and Hazardous Cargoes” will be held under support of the research and development institute of the merchant marine of Ukraine (UkrNIIMF). The participants will be encouraged to discuss issues of state regulation, ecological risks and international and national legislative norms applicable to transportation of project and hazardous cargoes and particularities of their implementation in Ukraine.
Within the framework of the conference the experts of LogistClub will share their experience as to optimization of chain supply management for road and marine transport, warehouse logistics, industrial logistics and international business contracts.
The special feature of the conference will be a seminar on implementation of hydrogen technologies for transportation in the EU and other regions.
International Black Sea Transport Forum 2015 (20-22 October 2015, Odessa sea port exhibition complex) comprises 17th international exhibition on transport and logistics «TransUkraine 2015», international specialized exhibition «TransRail Ukriane 2015», specialized exhibition «Commercial and Municipal Transport 2015» and the 12th international exhibition and conference on shipping, shipbuilding and ports development «Odessa 2015».
Coordinators of the exhibitions and conferences are the Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine and Black and Azov Seas ports Association. The events are held under support of Odessa Regional State Administration, Odessa City Council, Black Sea International Shipowners Association (BINSA), Black Sea Region Association of Shipbuilders and Shiprepairers (BRASS), Intergovernmental Commission TRACECA, Danube Commission, Association of International Freight Forwarders of Ukraine, Association of international road carriers of Ukraine, European Union of transport workers of Ukraine, Container Lines Association of Ukraine, European Business Association of Ukraine.
We kindly invite you to take part in the exhibition and business program of the Forum.
Exhibitions and Conferences Organizing Committee
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