September 27-29, 2012, Sevastopol, Ukraine
The following events will be held within the framework of the Salon:
· Various presentations.
· New Time VI International Contest of Youth’s Innovations and Works. Its preliminary contests will be held in the participant countries and corresponding winners of national contests
will take part in New Time 7th International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies “New Time” in Sevastopol
In 2011 more than 420 inventions (about 50% of them being of foreign origin) were estimated at the area of 1200 sq. m. 380 medals (gold, silver, bronze ones), 60 Diplomas of Honor and more than 65 prizes and other awards were presented. Number of visitors amounted to 2710.
Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English, French, German. All materials in Ukrainian/Russian should be represented in one of the indicated languages (information about a participant, name of development, short description of invention – up to 3-4 sentences). Note: adults’ participation for the age groups 1 and 2 is allowed, if they helped to arrange the idea as scientific advisers.
Within the framework of the project additional informative preparation of participants is planned. It will include matters of TRIZ-pedagogic, pedagogic of creation, fundamentals of safety and use of intellectual property, reservation of copyright and invention activity.
The winners of Contest will be awarded medals and diplomas and other awards of international organizations. They will get recommendation to participate in the operation of inventing societies, and in special trainings and competitions.
Contest organizers’ address:
Yuriy Skomorovskiy, Exhibition, P.O. Box 36 Sevastopol, Ukraine 99006
tel.: 380-692-555628, cell.: 380-50-009-46-60 e-mail:,
Vladimir Kulikov, Exhibition,
tel.: +380-692-932038, cell.: +380-050-812-61-91
Registration on web: