In December 2015, Paris held a climate conference COP21. Almost the entire world - 150 Heads of States and Governments took part in it. One of the main questions of this meeting was reducing of fossil fuels consumption to decrease their negative impact on the environment. Hydrogen technology is ideally suited for this mission. That is why the visitors of the conference was focused, among others, on hydrogen projects launched during the event.
Hydrogen technologies were presented to all visitors of the COP21 conference at the Exhibition Center Grand Palais on the Champs Elysees in center of Paris.
Hydrogen taxi in front of exhibition center Grand Palais
This famous photograph shows the first models of aircrafts, which were exhibited at the Grand Palais during the world exhibition in Paris a little more than a hundred years ago.
Now the Grand Palais exhibits achievements of hydrogen industry, which undoubtedly will become the technology of the future.
There was presented the French Association for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells (AFHYPAC), which brings together more than 60 companies and research institutions working on hydrogen projects. The company Pragma Industries presented its hydrogen bike, on which you can make 100 km ride without any effort. A rental station of such bicycles is already running on the beach of Biarritz in France.
The company Symbio FCell have shown its system to increase the autonomy of electric vehicles. Such systems are installed on electric trucks Renault Kangoo. Normally, the autonomy of the batteries in these cars is not enough for a typical working day delivery services. Regular delivery car drives around 300 km per day, when an electric car can drive only 150. Installing hydrogen range extenders increases autonomy of electric vehicles, allowing them to double their driving range.
These trucks are already used by the French post in Grenoble, and now they will deliver packages in Paris, because during the conference COP21 McPhy installed the hydrogen fueling for such cars. This station is already serving a dozen electric vehicles equipped with hydrogen range extenders. In the coming years, it is planned that their number will reach several hundreds.
Maybe the most impressive for visitors was the launch of hydrogen taxi and refueling for them. Now you can ride in a hydrogen taxi on the streets of Paris! Taxi operator Hype already has five Hyundai ix35 hydrogen cars and plans to purchase another 70 such vehicles next year.
Hydrogen technologies meet all necessary conditions for implementing them in everyday life. Examples shown here clearly demonstrate this. It is expected, that during next years the number of different hydrogen projects will growth with increasing speed.
Viacheslav Zgonnik, UAHE. Report for the site