Mr Zgonnik, PhD in chemistry, UAHE co-founder and administrator gave the presentation on hydrogen energy in Ukraine at European Hydrogen Association (EHA) Brussels office. The meeting was assisted by the member of the Mission of Ukraine to the European Union .
In his presentation, he showed that decreasing of energy dependence and increasing energy efficiency are two main goals for the energy sector in Ukraine. During past years, the country registered rapid growth of renewable energies. Their integration with hydrogen technologies allow to increase their efficiency.
He told that Ukrainian Association for Hydrogen Energy was created in 2009 by people passionate by ideas of hydrogen economy. The main goal is to inform population about the perspectives of using hydrogen and connecting together specialists, working in this field. The web resource regularly publishes related news and articles in Ukrainian, English and Russian languages.

This year, in the frame of association with the European Union, Ukraine joined the EU funding program Horizon2020. It allows researches to participate in joint research programs and to get their research projects financed. There are many ongoing research projects in Ukraine in the field of hydrogen technologies. More than 60 research groups participated in the past targeted research program organized by the National Academy of Sciences. Starting from this year, all researchers will be able to participate in the grant opportunities in the Horizon2020 program.
To increase the speed of introduction of hydrogen technologies in Ukraine, Implementation of a workgroup was suggested. Such group will need to check accordance of Ukrainian hydrogen safety and industry standards with those of the EU. Other questions, such as licensing for construction and exploitation, certification of hydrogen equipment, quotas or special budgetary payments should be studied with the goal to facilitate the early arrival of hydrogen technologies in Ukraine.