VI International Specialized Trade Fair «ENERGY EFFICIENCY. RENEWABLE ENERGY - 2013»
VI International Specialized Trade Fair
November 5–8, 2013
(renewable energy, alternative types of fuel, energy effective and energy saving technologies, equipment, materials in power engineering, industry, building, housing and communal services, agro-industry complex)
VI International Specialized Exhibition «ENERGY EFFICIENCY. RENEWABLE ENERGY - 2013» - is the leading event on the territory of Ukraine in the field of the effective use of fuel and energy resources, renewable energy sources and alternative types of fuel will take place in Kyiv on November 5-8, 2013 at the largest Ukrainian International exhibition area. The Business program of concomitant measures foresees the holding of the International Investment Business Forum on energy efficiency and alternative energy.
● The State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine
● International Exhibition Centre, Ltd.
● Ukrainian Wind Energy Association
Our country possesses the impressive potential of regenerative energy market and "green" projects and has one of the most progressive legislative bases in the field of renewable energy sources with containing the economic privileges. The Government Program of the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine is the increasing of energy efficiency of economy, wide implantation of clear technologies in Ukraine and consolidation of renewable energy market participants. Thats why the State Agency conducts the exclusive professional event in Ukraine in this direction. On the estimations of experts, the International specialized exhibition «Energy Efficiency» arouses the great interest in professional community, investors and wide range of specialists.
17th Annual International Summit and Exhibition
29 - 30 January 2013
CleanTech 2013 is the 17th annual international event for Clean Technologies: environmental quality, infrastructures and green building, enewable energy and water technologies. The exhibition will take place at the Trade Fairs and Conventions Center, Tel-Aviv, Israel
September 27-29, 2012, Sevastopol, Ukraine
The following events will be held within the framework of the Salon:
· Various presentations.
· New Time VI International Contest of Youth’s Innovations and Works. Its preliminary contests will be held in the participant countries and corresponding winners of national contests
will take part in New Time 7th International Salon of Inventions and New Technologies “New Time” in Sevastopol
V International Specialized Trade Fair «ENERGY EFFICIENCY’2012»

V International Specialized Trade Fair «ENERGY EFFICIENCY’2012»
V International Specialized Exhibition «Energy Efficiency - 2012» is the leading event on the territory of Ukraine in the field of the effective use of fuel and energy resources, renewable energy sources and alternative types of fuel will take place in Kyiv on November 6 - 9, 2012 at the largest Ukrainian International exhibition area. The Business program of concomitant measures foresees the holding of the International Investment Business Forum on energy efficiency and alternative energy.
● The State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine
● International Exhibition Centre, Ltd.
Our country possesses the impressive potential of regenerative energy market and "green" projects and has one of the most progressive legislative bases in the field of renewable energy sources with containing the economic privileges. The Government Program of the State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine is the increasing of energy efficiency of economy, wide implantation of clear technologies in Ukraine and consolidation of renewable energy market participants. Thats why the State Agency conducts the exclusive professional event in Ukraine in this direction. On the estimations of experts, the International specialized exhibition «Energy Efficiency» arouses the great interest in professional community, investors and wide range of specialists.
UK Hydrail Conference Date Change Now July 3 – 4, 2012
The 7th International Hydrail Conference (“7IHC”) will be held one week later than originally planned so that conferees at an important German rail conference can attend both events.

Black Sea Hydrogen Sulphide Workshop to take place in Istanbul on 14-15 December 2011
Organized by the International Centre for Hydrogen Energy Technologies (UNIDO-ICHET), the First Black Sea Hydrogen Sulphide Workshop will take place on 14-15 December in Istanbul Green Park Hotel.
This symposium will address a range of issues related to the technical and economical feasibility of industrial extraction of gaseous hydrogen from the hydrogen sulphides dissolved in the Black Sea.
Ukrainian Energy Forum 2011
1st – 3rd March 2011, Hotel Intercontinental, Kyiv, Ukraine
Developing a favourable investment climate to maximise the potential and diversity of the Ukrainian energy sector.
Ukrainian Energy Forum, taking place at the beginning of March 2011 in Kyiv and which is being jointly organised with the Ministry of Fuel & Energy of Ukraine.
Minister Boyko and his leadership team at the Ministry will be using the forum as a platform to present their investment projects to the international energy community and to put forward the Ministry’s strategy to further improve the investment climate and plans to continue the reform process.
2011 NHA Hydrogen Conference and Expo
2011 February 13-16, Washington DC, USA
The NHA Hydrogen Conference and Expo is the largest hydrogen conference in the U.S. and the longest running annual hydrogen conference in the world. This year our Association was represented on 2010 NHA Hydrogen Conference by Sergey Kolodych.
This event will be your best opportunity of the year to learn about breakthroughs, progress on commercialization challenges and network over a few days with the brightest minds and business leaders in the industry.
GREENEXPO ‘will arrange green space’ in energy of Ukraine
2010 October 27 – 29 in KyivExpoPlaza, Kyiv, Ukraine
Ukrainian market of alternative energy will gather again in Kyiv at GREENEXPO | Alternative Energy 2010 the second international trade show and conference. Last year experience confirmed the actuality of the event: about 62 stands from Ukraine, Austria, Germany and the Netherlands worked hard during the 3 days of the event, more than 3,000 experts came to get acquainted with possibilities of the ‘new old’ branch.
Group Exhibit Hydrogen + Fuel Cells. Hanover, Germany 2011
April 4-8, 2011 Hanover, Germany
The event is Europe’s biggest hydrogen and fuel cells expo, which is part of the giant Hannover Industry Fair in Germany. It attracts 200,000 visitors annually.
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- Hydrogen + Fuel Cells 2011: International Conference and Exhibition
- II Ukrainian Renewable Energy Forum
- V International Conference Alternative Fuels-2010. New types of fuels and vehicles
- 1st European-Ukrainian Energy Day
- International Energy Summit IES 2010 in Ukraine
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- ICHMS'2009