Promising symbiose of ultracapacitors and fuel cells





Ultracapacitors, also known as “supercapacitors” or “electric double layer capacitors (EDLCs)” represent a class of highly powerful energy storage devices which are functionally equivalent to any other known type of capacitors.  In contrast to usual electrolytic capacitors, however, the ultracapacitors incorporate highly porous materials – activated carbons. Huge specific surface of the latter (up to 2000 m2/g) allows reaching capacitance on the order of thousands of farads.  

Combination of a fuel cell with an ultracapacitor can provide a very effective power supply unit. Indeed, a fuel cell possesses, probably, the largest energy density (about 950 W∙h/kg) among the known energy storage solutions. On the other hand, its power capability is rather low and does not typically exceed 0.1 kW/kg. In contrast to that, ultracapacitors can demonstrate very high power density (up to 90 kW/kg in case of Yunasko ultracapacitors), while their energy density of 3-5 W∙h/kg is quite low for many applications. An excellent example of fuel cell - ultracapacitor combination was given by Honda a few years ago – see the diagram below.
Ultracapacitors and fuel cells



Promising symbiose of ultracapacitors and fuel cells

Ultracapacitors, also known as “supercapacitors” or “electric double layer capacitors (EDLCs)” represent a class of highly powerful energy storage devices which are functionally equivalent to any other known type of capacitors.  In contrast to usual electrolytic capacitors, however, the ultracapacitors incorporate highly porous materials – activated carbons. Huge specific surface of the latter (up to 2000 m2/g) allows reaching capacitance on the order of thousands of farads.  

Combination of a fuel cell with an ultracapacitor can provide a very effective power supply unit. Indeed, a fuel cell possesses, probably, the largest energy density (about 950 W∙h/kg) among the known energy storage solutions. On the other hand, its power capability is rather low and does not typically exceed 0.1 kW/kg. In contrast to that, ultracapacitors can demonstrate very high power density (up to 90 kW/kg in case of Yunasko ultracapacitors), while their energy density of 3-5 W∙h/kg is quite low for many applications. An excellent example of fuel cell - ultracapacitor combination was given by Honda a few years ago – see the diagram below.
Ultracapacitors and fuel cells



Due to the growing demand for energy resources, the exhaustion of fossil fuels and the increasing level of pollution many countries head for the development of hydrogen economy in order to provide environmentally friendly fuel and power supply.

Here are the main advantages of hydrogen technologies: they are eco-friendly, the required resource base is practically inexhaustible, they can be applied in different spheres - energy, transport, power supply for electronic devices, etc. However, at the moment hydrogen technologies are not quality and efficient enough to replace traditional energy sources and traditional fuels.

In Ukraine, the research into hydrogen technologies is still in its infancy, despite the fact that a lot of scientific institutions are engaged in these protracted studies. It must be noted that successful development of hydrogen technologies would enable to rationally use Ukraine's energy resources (including alternative energy resources), to diversify energy sources, to achieve energy independence, to stop environmental degradation.
To achieve this purpose it is suggested for research institutions to collaborate under the aegis of National Academy of Sciences, and to create an effective plan of action involving both public and private investment for its implementation. Besides, it is suggested to use the deposits of zirconium ore and rare earth elements and to involve the related branches of industry for production of fuel cells and other components of hydrogen systems. It is suggested to provide these enterprises and scientific research institutions with initial tax relief and other support. It is also suggested to take every opportunity to produce hydrogen in Ukraine.

Using hydrogen fuel is very promising, and heading for hydrogen economy would enable to develop energy efficient and environmentally friendly technologies. The research activities must start right away to keep up the pace of global energy revolution. This would allow Ukraine to take its place among the advanced countries in the distribution and usage of hydrogen technologies instead of using outdated and inefficient technologies.

Portable Fuel Cell Charger - Instant Power Anywhere

PowerTrekk is a fuel cell driven power source for mobile phones and other electronic equipment. Unlike other portable chargers, PowerTrekk provides instant and reliable power anywhere, making it ideal for outdoor enthusiasts and business users in emerging markets.

Portable Fuel Cell Charger

PowerTrekk is a pocket size, lightweight charger for users who spend time away from the electricity grid.


Hydrogen is good not only for energy production, but can satisfy drinking water needs in a household

Fuel cells are devices capable of producing both energy and clean water. The results of recent research show that water produced by the PEMFC meets nearly all US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and World Health Organization (WHO) drinking water requirements.
Totally unserved by water
 Water supply, distribution of unserved populations. Totally unserved by water stay 1.1 billion people.

Source: WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme, (2002), extracted from WWDR1, 'Water for People, Water for Life' (UNESCO-WWAP, 2003)


Interview of The “Green Wave” interviews the director of UAHE

The “Green Wave” interviewed the director of “Hydrogen Energy” public organization. To read the interview follow the link: “Viacheslav Zgonnik: Ukraine has a great potential for the implementation of hydrogen technologies” (Ukainian).

greenwave logo

About the “Green Wave” project: the “Green Wave” is a site dedicated to the environmental news and a community of people who seek to spread the principles of sustainable development in all spheres of public life, thus supporting the development of competitive and efficient Ukraine.


Sustainable Human Future, Hydrogen Civilization. Review by Victor Goltsov

Hydrogen Civilization (HyCi) doctrine (study, concept, conception) is a novel world outlook, all-embracing vision of the sustainability of the human future: humanity can preclude world climate and ecological catastrophe and conserve the biosphere’s ability to maintain the life of humanity by the only way, just by the sustainable movement along the vector “Hydrogen Energy → Hydrogen Economy → Hydrogen Civilization”. HyCi doctrine is overcoming boundaries between different sciences, between peoples and nations. Hydrogen civilization is a public ideal (‘superattractor’) putting in the forefront Shakespeare’s Hamlet question on a global scale: “To be or not to be the humankind: that is the question”.


Hydrogen refueling starion

Hydrogen fuel station of Total company. The begining of Hydrogen Civilization.


Power supply in Ukraine: Prognosis for 2050

Predicting the further development of economy and energy sector based on the most effective up-to-date technology the experts concluded that depending on the region a partial or complete replacement of nuclear and fossil fuels by renewable energy sources is possible. The project developed for Denmark shows that the transition to a sustainable energy system will not require expenditures greater than those to maintain the traditional energy costs (at least not for the next thirty years) but CO2 emissions can be reduced by 70%.
Is it possible for Ukrainian power industry to develop the same way? In the Renewable Energy Agency an estimate of the sustainable energy development in our country was done. Thus it was concluded that it is necessary to develop the available renewable energy sources rapidly though the clauses of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine till 2030 say quite the other. So the power industry of Ukraine would develop on the same technological and technical base as the countries of EU do.

Power Supply in Ukraine: The Path to 2050

Power Supply in Ukraine: The Path to 2050. Data in bln tonnes of equivalent fuel/ year. From bottom: Hydro-, Wind-, Wood-, Agriculture wastes, Landfill gas, Solar-concentrated, Solar-panels, Geothermal.

Hydrogen and Fuel Cells: the truth


1 Fuel cell vehicles (FCV) are expected to be cost-competitive with other advanced technology vehicles.
2 FCVs using hydrogen are one of the most efficient and cleanest vehicle technologies now and in the future.
3 Hydrogen can be cost-competitive with gasoline and stations can be deployed using a coordinated cost-effective, regional strategy.
4 Several demonstration vehicles have 500-km and more range using compressed hydrogen storage.

  Hydrogen cars

Look at this picture: the fact all major automobile have hydrogen models is the best proof of hydrogen potential. Photo from California FC partnership.


Exploring Hydrogen Degassing Structures

Hydrogen degassing structures were recently discovered and studied by Nikolay and Vladimir Larin. Cosmic photos show similar structures to be present on all continents. Structures being formed by hydrogen degassing on Russian territory were explored and studied. Abnormally high concentrations of hydrogen, up to 1.6%, have been detected in below-soil air in central parts of European Russia. Adequate empirical data to demonstrate that this phenomenon is widely spread over extensive areas of the Globe, especially in USA, was obtained.


A typical example of a hydrogen surface anomaly. Diameter 2.7 km. Red secant line corresponds to the subsoil hydrogen gas sampling graph above. Gaseous hydrogen concentration is maximal in the center of the structure: up to 0.14%, when at adjacent zones hydrogen is not detectable. Using modern microseismic sounding (MS) instrumentation, the existence of deeper “supply channels” for those hydrogen surface anomalies has been discovered. The right image corresponds with the deep (up to 20 km) cross-section of MS study, showing relative speeds of seismic waves. Warmer colors signify lower speed of the waves, indicating higher porosity, filled by liquid or gas.